Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Getting sound files to enhance oral productions

These are a couple of links to collections of sound effects that can be downloaded from the Web:

Banco de imágenes y sonidos

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

A congress about CLIL in Barcelona

It is difficult for most of us to have the opportunity to attend many of the events about topics related to the teaching of languages which could be interesting, especially when they are held far away from our home town. Fortunately, we can get some information, feedback or abstracts from the Internet. This is the case of the 'Trobada CLIL' held on 28th and 29th April in Barcelona.

Feeback on some of the lectures can be read on the following two entries in 'De estranjis' blog:

Lecciones de Barcelona: en enseñanza de idiomas, ¿hacia dónde vamos?

Lecciones de Barcelona: se puede aprender de Madrid

Further information about the contents of the lectures can be read in this book of abstracts.