Thursday, 29 April 2010

Earth Day

Although a bit late to celebrate this year's Earth Day, this video can be useful to practise a simple structure such as 'I want...' and link it to environmental issues. Furthermore, it could serve as a starting point to express ideas about other environmental, social or ethical concerns within short projects or other kinds of activities that require oral or written output.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Benchmarking CLIL

BeCLIL website presents and contains the outcomes of a European Comenius project carried out between 2004 and 2007. Its main objective was to identify good practice in CLIL classrooms in order to provide teachers -or other people involved in language learning through content areas- with hints and ideas to improve their teaching.


The British Council's website for young learners of English, LearnEnglish Kids, has a new layout providing easier access to its sections and introducing some new features. It also includes direct links to TeachingEnglish and LearnEnglish (aimed at teenager and adult learners)

Monday, 12 April 2010

Bilingual education in different autonomous communities

Thanks to Educantabria TV Congress Channel, we can access interesting lectures and presentations. Among the videos from the VII Jornadas Nacionales: Secciones Bilingües, we find the following two, which can be of interest to get an idea of foreign language learning project implementation in several autonomous communities in Spain:

Experiencias autonómicas en organización de programas bilingües: Educación Primaria

Experiencias autonómicas en organización de programas bilingües: Educación Secundaria

Educational videos in English

NeoK12 website gives access to an organised collection of educational videos for Nursery, Primary and Secondary classes.

Videoteca educativa also presents a small selection of recommended videos to be used in the English classroom.