Wednesday, 15 May 2013

The Alphabet Game

These are some samples of 'The Alphabet Game' ('Pasapalabra') generated by using GenMagic software.

VOCABULARY 1  and OUR VOCABULARY. A couple of games aimed at revising basic vocabulary.

CHRISTMASTIME.  Vocabulary related to Christmas and winter.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Using interactive whiteboards in the language classroom

Interactive Technologies in Language Teaching web site includes some video recordings on the use of the IWB (Interactive white Board) in the English classroom.
In this example a class of special education students practise vocabulary from We're Going On a Bear Hunt story by using the IWB.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Interactive activities to work on the geography of Europe

Toporopa web site presents a set of interactive activies to learn or revise geographical data of Europe. Although most of the contents are more appropriate for Secondary students, some primary students may find it challenging to try Countries of Europe or Flags of Europe, for instance.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Online Photo Dictionary

Online Photo Dictionary website displays a set of thematic pictures (fruit, numbers, fast food...). The image can be explored by dragging the mouse on its different parts. The name of each item can be read and listen to.

Monday, 8 April 2013

"eTwinning Tourists in 5 star hotels" project

eTwinning tourists in 5 star hotels is a project carried out by schools from three countries. Students are organised in five teams of mixed nationality pupils and work on EFL and CLIL contents through a set of activities. This is an outline of the process:

- Each team is the staff of a hotel chain.
- The teachers are the inspectors and propose games, tasks and activities along the year. These activities are awarded with stars. The hotel chain (team) that first gets 5 stars for their hotels is the winner.
- Each team designs a brochure for their hotels.
- Each child makes a puppet, which will be their tourist. “The tourists” will look at the brochures and make a room reservation. Then the tourists (puppets) are posted out to visit the other countries.
- Each hotel chain makes a picture show of the tourists’ visit and gives them a souvenir to take home after their travels.
- The project ends with a virtual party (on Skype) where the winners will be announced.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

"Our School News Magazine" eTwinning project

This post tells us about a project carried out out by three primary schools. Students from the three countries work together on the creation of a school magazine. Each issue includes different types of contents: prresentations, stories, riddles...

This is an example:

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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Friends Fur Ever

Friends Fur Ever is the name of an eTwinning project based on the topic of 'dogs'. Students from four primary schools explore this topic from different approaches: dogs in literature, songs about dogs, different onomatopoeias for barking, etc.

Link to their Twinspace

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

School movies

From this link you can access a collection of video recordings showing the work of students from Intxaurrondo Hegoa School. It includes presentations on different topics, sketches, and dubbed cartoons.

Thursday, 14 March 2013


Vidtionary is described as a video dictionary, i.e. words are visually explained through pictures in a short video clip. The entries can be searched alphabetically, by topic, or according parts of speech.  It also includes some quizzes and wordless versions of the videos aimed at guessing the word.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

e-cultural Kaleidoscope

e-cultural Kaleidoscope is the name of an eTwinning project based on the exchange of information about traditions, greetings, recipes, and some other issues. It also includes communication on a common task: making kaleidoscopes.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Power Point Games

A good number of resources aimed at developing academic vocabulary at school can be found from this link (type ppt in the search box). These materials include some blank templates of  Power Point Games that can be completed by teachers of different levels and subject matter.

These are a couple of examples:

Holiday Squares is a version of Noughts and Crosses. It can be played with the whole class divided in two teams or in small groups of four (a pair of students make up a team), for instance. Older students could also generate their own games for the rest of the class.

Password game. A students stands on the front of the classroom with his or her back to the interactive board. The class gives the student clues to the vocabulary word on the screen as a clock keeps time. The student tries to guess the word before the buzzer sounds.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

GenMagic: online comic generator

GenMagic is a simple way to create short stories. The program allows users to choose from a set of background pictures, objects, animals, characters... and add text to the different six scenes. Once it is finished, the story can be printed out.